Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Today has been a pretty busy, but slow day. Is that even possible?! The kids had a dentist appt in the afternoon but guess what Hannah said to me first thing this morning. "Don't forget about our dentist appt." Then about every half hour or so after that they were asking me if it was time to go! Not a good way to start the day! I was sucessful at getting the laundry all caught up. I even got it all foled and put away at some point today. I also cleaned the bathrooms. The dentist appt went well. Ryan has "perfect" teeth, while Hannah has "beautiful" teeth. Ryan has great spacing, perfect bite and no cavities. Hannah does not have great spacing but her bottom front teeth are still coming in straight. She also has zero cavities but a bad bite which will probably require braces later in life. Overall, a great visit. Afterwards I had to go to walmart to get groceries. That fell right during naptime. I already knew it would be a bad trip before we got there. None of us were in the mood to shop for groceries. Ryan cried the last half hour because I wouldn't let him out of the buggy, he didn't want to sit, you name it, he cried about it! Fortunately he fell asleep on the way home and saved himself from a nap after getting home. Altho, I read you should never let a 15 min nap in the car substitute a naap at home....oh well. While we were checking out at walmart we started hearing thunder and rain pounding the roof. We ended up standing in the doorway for about 10 min waiting for the rain to let up. The lights went off for a few seconds after one lightning bolt. And Hannah started crying after one LOUD clap of thunder. We ended up running to the truck and only getting slightly wet! After supper and showers, the kids are ready for an early bedtime since they have been grouchy about all evening. I feel like I need to get in bed early too! Brad is still at work....


  1. Ugh! I hate groceries in the rain!! And one thing I DO NOT miss about the kids being small is grocery shopping!!! LOL
