Monday, February 9, 2009

A good day!

Today has been a good but busy day. My mom came up from NC and is going to stay the week. I think the kids think they can get away with anything while she is here!! So I have been yelling a lot! But the weather has been so nice. Before she got here I was able to hang some clothes outside to dry. For some reason I love doing that. I haven't figured out what it is but I love it! Anyways, I am looking forward to a full week and will be busy! Mom is going to be ready for a break by the time the week is over! And I am going to miss the help!


  1. How funny- it was so nice here today that I hung a few loads of laundry outside today too!

  2. It's something about the smell that the outside air does for the things hung on the line! I liked doing it, too.......when I was younger!
    I'm looking forward to our busy week together, Liz! Love you, mom!

  3. When we lived in Red House I loved hanging our sheets out! Rugs and stuff too. But for the last...almost fourteen years...I haven't had a clothesline!!! Maybe I'll convince him this year!

  4. Right now we don't have a clothesline either. We had to take it down to park the camper in that spot during the summer so now I just throw things over the railing on the porch! It works for some things like jeans and sheets!
