Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rain, rain go away!

Today my mom and I (and Ryan) went and got our hair cut and went to a few stores. All the while it was raining off and on, which didn't help my new do! Then I picked Hannah up from school and mom went to eat dinner with her work friends. The power steering belt on her car broke right as she was pulling into AEP so now I am waiting for her to call me so I can go pick her up. I guess we are supposed to get some pretty good storms tomorrow so we will probably just stay inside until church time. I have a few desserts that I want to make anyways so I guess that is fine. Then it is going to get cold again. Hopefully not as cold as it has been. Brad finally bought a water pump so we can pump water out of our yard now. For anyone who hasn't seen our yard or heard me talk about our yard after we get any rain; it stands in our yard very bad. We live right next to railroad tracks and there is a ditch between the tracks and our yard where the water collects. It is very annoying because the kids and dogs can't play in the yard much and it is a breeding ground for mosquitos during the summer. So we are finally taking care of that, thanks to some of our tax money. Which brings me to another subject......I am so thankful that our doctor bills and other big expenses seem to fall around tax return time! I used to complain that we never get to buy anything good with the money we get back until my dad reminded me that at least we have the money to pay for our misc stuff that comes up and aren't in debt! We also have a hefty $1400 and some bill from when Hannah was in the hospital for 24 hrs, plus our electric bill has been thru the roof the past 2 months, and we need to pay our property taxes with money from our return and there is a whole nother list of things that need taken care of but we have to pick and chose what is most important. I am afraid Sammy's surgery and Patches yearly stuff is last on the list! I know you will ask what surgery Sammy needs so I am just going to put it in here! She just has a lump on her groin/belly area that needs removed before it gets too big. It is a suspected lipoma (fatty tumor) but could mess up her urination if it gets big and it will cost more to have removed the bigger it gets. But it isn't major and the dogs have to come last. Once again, this blog has become more than I intended it to! But now Hannah wants me to write my name on her paper so I am going to go now.


  1. I know...we never get to spend our tax money on anything good either...we usually pay off the credit card and taxes but like you said its nice to have the extra money to do that with...sorry to hear about your moms car...glad to know she made it in safely! Can't wait to see your hair! Micah has made valentines for Ryan & Hannah so you'll prob be getting those tomorrow if we nothing happens...will you guys be there Friday...guess I should've emailed you instead of commenting huh-LOL! Blogging is so addicting!

  2. I was thinking the same thing not too long ago. We ALWAYS are paying off bills with the tax return. And I am thankful for that. But it sure would be nice to get the new flooring we need or the new pool we need!!!!! I say "need". Okay so maybe it's not need, but ....heavy wants!!!!

  3. well, I'm glad to see that I am not the only one spending the money on important things! Hopefully Obama has thought about us in his stimulus package!!

  4. Obama is thinking about Obama, not you!
