Thursday, February 5, 2009

I do not make a good host!

Well, I am sitting on the couch, during yet another nap time, trying to plan meals for next week when my mom comes up and the weekend when my sister and sister in law and their kids come up. We are having a girls and kids weekend. I can't wait to see everyone but one thing I am dreading is being the host! I have a hard enough time planning meals for my family for a week, let alone having company! I am trying to get used to though because now that we are all spread out, my house is like the middle ground! Which isn't all bad because I don't have to travel! Ryan is at the awkward age where he is too big to sleep in a play pin while we are out of town but too young to put in bed at someone else's house and expect him to stay there and sleep! He doesn't do it at home yet so....I can't expect him to do it in someone else's home. Brad keeps nagging me about putting him in a toddler bed but I am not ready for that battle! He has only tried to get out of his crib a couple of times and has never gotten close to all the way out. Plus the pediatrician says he can stay in it until he is 3. I told Brad that when he takes a vacation this summer we would do it then so he can deal with Ryan at bed time and nap time! Anyways, so I am getting into host-mode and making lists for meals, groceries, what needs done around the house (a lot I might add) before I let company in, stuff like that. I have to also say that my sister in law is one of the best hosts ever! She is so neat and always has everything thought out and has good meals and lots of junk food. Plus, I never see her cleaning while we are at her house or hear of her cleaning (unless it is organizing closets) but it is always so clean! I get most nervous when she is coming to my house because my house will never be as clean or fancy and my meals will never be as good as hers! But I don't think she judges or inspects everything looking for fault, and it's a good thing! But, I better get back to work....lots of planning to do!


  1. Hey lady, I tagged you over at my blog! Now back to your post- I know you'll make a great host. You're family won't care about anything other than seeing you! So just enjoy the visit and don't worry about how everything looks. =)

  2. Liz, you are a GREAT host. Here's why - everything is okay at your house. That is such a relief for a mom of a toddler. No matter where I leave stuff (and we have a lot of stuff) or what Kara gets into, I know it's okay. I get to feel like I'm on vacation at your house. And if we don't have food, we can order pizza or go to a restaurant!
    But I really prefer being the host, not the guest - I may be a good host, but I am VERY self conscious that I'm not a good guest. :-)

  3. Liz, you are a great host! And, just remember what the house will look like after ALL of the kids get finished playing! I wouldn't sweat the cleaning a whole lot! Cuz, guess what you're gonna have to do after everyone leaves......clean! LOL! And, don't sweat the meals! Remember, I'm gonna be there to help, too! I am soooo looking forward to this, I almost can't stand it! I'm smiling as I type this! And Lisa is right......we won't care about anything other than seeing one another again! Love you!
