Monday, April 20, 2009

I've been thinking.....

what does it mean to be blessed? I often catch myself saying to people, or myself, how blessed I am. Whenever I think about my kids, my wonderful husband, our income, my ability to stay home, our house, our material possessions (things of that nature) or if I see someone who may have less than me in these areas, I begin to feel blessed. But who is to say these other people, who some might say are less fortunate, aren't blessed--maybe even more blessed than myself?! After all, it isn't all these things that makes us blessed, right? It is God. He gives us all things. We can't do anything for ourselves. We would be nothing without him. So I am trying to change my focus a little. I love all the things that I mentioned but I would be blessed regardless because I have Jesus.

SO about my day.....It was actually pretty good. I stayed busy all morning. It is amazing how fast the house can become a disaster area after being cleaned!! It didn't look good for long after Brad cleaned it wihle we were gone last week!! So that is what I spent most of the day doing. You couldn't tell it if you came to my house now. Then Hannah had a recheck dr appt from when they put her on Miralax a month ago. We just have to use it as needed now. She rarely ever complains about her stomach hurting now. Brad just got home and it is 9pm! Poor guy. He doesn't seem too happy either. I better get off here and see if he needs anything.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the only thing we can take with us when we leave this world is our eternal life! And what a blessing to be able to spend eternity in heaven! Thank you, Jesus!
