Friday, October 2, 2009

This will only take a minute!

The computer is working for a change so I thought I'd take a minute to update everyone on my week.

We ordered a new laptop, we customized it so it is taking longer than normal to get it. I can't wait to have it in my arms! =)

The temperature has made a dramatic change this week. My body is not ready to handle the 60's! After spending the summer having the air set on 75-77 degrees, I am having a hard time adjusting to the heat being set on 70! I have been sleeping in my long johns and had to get an extra blanket out. I am not ready for the huge winter heating bills to be back. Last winter in was $450 at it's highest. This summer it has been between $60-$70. That's a huge difference!

When Hannah gets out of school today we are going to be taking the kids to mamaw's to spend the night. Tonight is out annual church retreat. All couples are willing to participate. We are going to Twin Falls State Park this time. I think this year we will have the smallest group, about 5 or 6 couples. But it will still be nice to have some good Christian fellowshio outside the church.

oh yeah, Hannah finally lost her tooth yesterday. She was so worried about it hurting so she never let me mess with it. It drove me crazy at first but I let it go and she eventually pulled it out herself. So I told her to put it under her pillow for the tooth fairy. I knew it was going to be tricky playing the tooth fairy because she ALWAYS wakes up when I go into her room at night. So I made Brad go in with me just in case she woke up, I could hide and he could say he was just checking on her or something. Well, she stirred some but she didn't wake up! This morning she was so happy to see that dollar! She kept saying " I knew the tooth fairy was real!" She also told me that she thought she saw her because she opened her eyes at one time and saw pink. I was thinking "what a liar!" =) But I didn't say anything.

That is all that I can think of right now.

1 comment:

  1. The mind can play strange tricks on you when you want something badly enough! She may have been dreaming about a tooth fairy and her fairy was wearing pink in her dreams! You never know! Hope you are having a good time at Twin Falls!
