Friday, April 16, 2010


I enjoyed spending some time with my parents on Wed and Thur. They were going to stay till Friday but just had so much stuff to do at home that they decided to go ahead and go after we put the kids in bed on Thur. They had been in Lexington the first part of the week so I'm sure they were itching to get home!

Brad has been home today. Well, not home but not working! He had to go to the office and unload a bunch of stuff out of his work truck and he convinced his boss to let him stay in town next week and then go back to Cols the week after. So next week is going to be different! I am used to him being gone all week, doing whatever I want with the kids, eating whatever we want (which is usually things he won't eat), watching what I want to watch in the evenings, and having the bed to myself. But it will be nice to have him around. Now he is taking the kids to his mom's to spend the night and we are going to use the Olive Garden gift card I got from my Secret Sister at church and go on a date. Thanks, whoever you are! =) On his way home is going to see if he can have the new $600 tires put on the truck.

I also got my hair cut while mom was here. I think I do that everytime she comes in! It's easy to do when she can watch the little man! And I love shopping when she is with us and can entertain Ryan for me. I think he had to poop or pee in every store we went to! Not only that, it was good to have my parents around. I think I am closer to my dad than I ever have been. It's a shame that most kids don't appreciate their parents until they are older. Mom cleaned the kids bedrooms while she was here too. That was nice. They hadn't been cleaned since before cousin Michael came and stayed a week with us. So as they were going from room to room, I went behind them with the vacuum! I had to do it before they wrecked it again!

Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. I'm glad you got to visit with your parents - I can't imagine living far away from mine! I hope you enjoy this weekend and next week with Brad. Life back to normal - I think you'll love it! :-)

  2. I hated leaving on Thursday, but some things just can't be helped! I hope the time between visits is MUCH shorter this time!
