Saturday, May 15, 2010

Baby, baby!

I had a great visit with my sis and her fam last night and today. I got some much needed skyline last night and a good bowl of ice cream but the real fun came today! Jess and I did a little grocery shopping for the baby shower food. First thing this morning we went to breakfast with Gram and Aunt Jenn. BTW, I didn't take one pic so you'll have to see them from someone else. After breakfast this morning we all met at the ultrasound place to see baby Sawyer. He's gonna be a big boy and I love him already! It was neat to see the 3-d ultrasound again. I miss that. But I'm so happy for Jess and Terry. I know how much this baby means to them. I think everyone (all 10 of us) really enjoyed getting to see him and the ultrasound girl was really nice. After that we went back to Jess's and cut up fruit and got things ready for the shower. The boys and dogs and Hannah left and it was big girl time! Jess got lots of great things and we learned a lot of things about each other ;) It was nice to see some of the family again. Not long after that everyone started leaving, me included. I was not looking forward to driving home but it went rather quickly! Hannah went to sleep almost immediately, woke up half way and ate a few peanuts, then went back to sleep until we got to Gallipolis! It was a nice, quiet trip. Thanks everyone for a great weekend! Love you!


  1. I'm glad you had fun, I wish we were there. :-)
    I don't know about you, but I can't wait to hold baby Sawyer!!

  2. Thanks! We missed you and Kara. I def can't wait to hold the baby but I think we'll have to fight with his daddy!!

  3. Yeah, we are definitely gonna have to fight with daddy to hold him! :) Terry is so great with kids! I'm happy for them both! It was a great week/weekend all the way around! Wish I could see you all more often! LOVE YOU!

  4. I CANNOT believe you didn't take pics!!!!!
