Thursday, July 29, 2010


I haven't posted anything all week because, well, let's face it, my week's been pretty boring! Without my other child I haven't really wanted to do anything great with Ryan. After having two kids, nothing is as fun when only one of them is around! He wouldn' t have enjoyed the bouncy place, a pool (other than mamaw's), the park, the mall without Hannah. He has been wandering around this house like a little lost puppy! Constantly asking any of us to play with him. Brad's been working late every night and is going to be on call the entire weekend. We would have went to mom's a week early if I didn't have sunday school and children's church this Sunday. We've been going on multiple bike rides every day. It might sound like a lot but at three he's still kinda slow and they don't last very long! Today we were riding on the sidewalk by the main road and the training wheel went off the walk and he lost his balance and fell right into the road! It scared me to death but there were no cars coming and he had his helmet on. I told him no more riding on the sidewalk. I like the back streets better anyway. He hasn't been sleeping during naptime the past couple days so he's been going to bed early. Yesterday evening he fell asleep on my lap. It was so sweet! I should be watching my show, Big Brother, but I can't get the channel to come in clearly so I just turned the tv off. I'll have to watch it on the internet tomorrow. That's all folks!


  1. This is good "Ryan time". We sometimes do something with just one kid to give them their own time. Kayla and I have "girl day". Tim has taken Dylan to Dairy Queen alone before and I have too. Alex gets a meal out or something special too. The 'one on one' time is important too.

  2. I would LOVE to have had you here this week, too, but it would not have been a good week because I am busy, busy, busy! Especially since we went to the conference the first part of the week!

    It IS amazing how one child being gone just changes the whole atmosphere of the house!

  3. Aw, you sound so sad. :-( She is having a blast and we are too. She is a JOY to have around our house!!!
