Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away....

It has rained about all day today. There was a short break late morning so Ryan and I went outside just for awhile. Uncle Nat helped him ride his big boy bike (no training wheels) and he is doing great. He can go down to the mailbox. He has problems with the getting on and off cuz his legs are a little too short. So when it comes to stopping, he falls over and jumps off the bike! Other than that, we have been in the house all day. I didn't make the kids take a nap because we just didn't do anything and I knew they wouldn't be tired enough to nap today. I, however, caught a quick nap on the couch while they were watching a movie. I didn't do much around the house. I've just felt too lazy today! The kids were very well behaved and entertained themselves about all day. I did finally get up and sweep the floors after my nap and I had to do a load of laundry first thing this morning cuz Ryan peed in bed last night. That pile of blankets and sheets is still on my bed....Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.


  1. I was lazy today too. Sunshine is a motivator. I need my sunshine back!!

  2. Personally, I'm glad for the rain because the grass here is DEAD brown! :(
    I could do without the thunderstorms and the power kicking on and off, however! :)

  3. That sounds like a pretty good day to me. I have been home for three full weeks and a day and I have yet to have a completely lazy day so I am looking forward to it! :)
