Saturday, September 4, 2010

another good day

This morning we hung out around the house. I made yummy pancakes for breakfast. Brad finished the back steps that he's been working on for awhile. Of course, the kids hung out outside with him. It was rather chilly so I dug out some pants and long sleeved shirts for them! Meanwhile I cleaned the bathrooms and did a couple loads of laundry. Cheryl helped me by sweeping and mopping last night so I didn't have as much to do this morning. I am thankful for that! After lunch we had plans to go to the park with a friend of mine, who I went to school with. Her oldest daughter and Hannah are in class together. And they were in the same class last year. Her youngest daughter, Hannah, is about a year older than Ryan. All four of them get along so well together. Today Ryan told Taylor, the one in Hannah's class, that he loved her. =) SHe spent a lot of time running away from him today. Anyway, so we got to the park around 12:45 and didn't leave until almost 5! Kelly and I didn't do much besides sit and talk but I was still exhausted by the time we were done. We ate mexican together and then went our seperate ways.

It's been really nice getting back in touch with Kelly. We were really good friends in high school and then after graduation we lost contact. Just growing up and doing our own things....getting married, having kids, so on. I hadn't talked to her since Brad and I got engaged. Then when our daughters were in class together last year we talked some but never did anything. This year we've already done several things together. She works so it isn't easy for us to plan things. We have so much in common. It's just been nice. I have a pic somewhere of us in high school and I was going to take a pic of us together today and put them both on here but I forgot. We talked about old times and high school and husbands and kids and family. It was nice. I'm glad we have been able to reconnect.

Now the kids are clean and I'm only letting them stay up while they are calm and watching this movie. then we are all going to bed!


  1. I'm so happy for you - girlfriends mean so much to me. I have a really great group of new girlfriends at church now, but there's always my best friend Lara who I've been close with for about 13 years now.
    Is Kelly a Christian? Just curious - if not, I'm sure you can work on that! :-)

  2. Friends are SO important!!!

  3. Then, the LORD has allowed you to reconnect with Kelly to be an influence in her life. I pray the LORD will save her!
