Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Baby update

If you get on facebook, some of you will have already seen this pic and heard about my appt today.
As you an see, Baby has made some drastic changes since we last saw her/him. I am 8 wks, 2 days, that is what the comp says. When I was having the ultrasound done, I could see the little heart fluttering and hear it loud and clear. All 180 beats per minute of it! The neatest thing today was that Baby even did a little dance for us! It was neat to watch it move around at such a small, un-human-like stage.
In the pic, baby is head down, rear up. Jess D and I are assuming the black spot is an eye. You can kinda see the little arms coming out the sides. I saw the legs on the screen, in a different angle. It was so neat to see the Lord working already in this tiny human.
Everything is going great with me and baby. Today was my first normal appt. I don't go back again for another month. No ultrasound then. I have already gained about 4 1/2 lbs. Not too bad considering how much I eat!! I got a big bag full of goodies today. I haven't looked thru it completely but I know it has books and a container of formula and some stuff for nursing.
It's getting harder for me not to tell Hannah. I'm so excited I just want to share it with everyone! I have to contain myself because I don't want to answer any questions about how baby is getting out right now. I'm going to avoid that as much as possible. I don't think a 6 yr old needs to know the ins and outs of having a baby.....do you?


  1. All I said was, I go to the hospital and the doctor gets the baby out. That pacified mine at the time- and Alex was five and a half. I don't remember Kayla asking when I had Dylan. She was only 2 1/2. I couldn't stand not talking about it!!! YOu don't have to give details. Just what you think she needs to know. Basic, simple.

  2. Kara doesn't really care how it comes out - SHE WANTS TO KNOW HOW IT GOT IN! Yikes!

  3. LOL, Jessica D! God put it there, of course!

    Liz, the picture is amazingly clear!

  4. I think explaining how it got there is the easy part too! You can't make up something miraculous about how it is gonna get out without lying about it!

  5. I tell her God put it there, but she says HOW? As far as it coming out - I remember Liz telling little Michael when she was pregnant with Hannah that the doctors get it out. When the baby is ready, you go to the hospital, and the doctor gets it out. Kara seems happy with this explanation. :-) Of course, she's four, not six. :-)
