Thursday, September 16, 2010

Long, dreary day

As soon as we walked out the door to go to school this morning I knew it was going to rain. My exact words: "It smells like rain is on the way." I love that feeling that rain is on the way, it was warmer than it has been in the mornings and there was a steady, gentle breeze. I remember when we lived in Cincinnati, the neighbors' dad told us once that when the leaves of trees are turned upside down in the wind, that means it's going to rain. I think that was the smartest thing that man ever said. Anyway, I had ordered french toast from the diner right down the road to pick up on the way back from taking Hannah to school. It started sprinkling while I was in there. I realized pretty quickly that I had picked a bad day to run some errands! It was a steady, sometimes heavy, rain all morning and into the early afternoon. Hannah's fieldtrip to the groundbreaking of the new high school was cancelled. She was so excited that she was finally going to get to ride the bus. SHe said,"I wonder what it's going to be like to ride the bus?" and had this far out look on her face like it was something magical. It was so funny! After breakfast and a visit with grandma and her new puppy, Bella, we left to do our thing. I had stuff to take to goodwill, had to go to the bank, return movies, and go to KMart just cuz I was over there. I found some great deals, like always. I got some Christmas gifts for super cheap. Hannah got a dress for her b-day that came with a matching dress for a baby doll. Well, I found them on sale for $3.99! Of course, it is a summer dress but she'll love it all the same. I got a toy swiss army knife thing for Ryan for $3. It has all the gadgets but it's plastic and he can't actually cut himself or anyone else. Brad has been looking for a pair of WVU flip flops for a long time and I finally found 1 pair for $2.99! I can't decide if I'll save them for Chirstmas or just give them to him now. I forget what else I bot, seems like there was one more item but I forget. I was really wishing I knew what I was having while I was in there! They had so many great deals on their summer baby clothes. I picked up a few girl things and then convinced myself to leave them. I really don't want to find out. It's the last thing I can do differently this last pregnancy.

I finally convinced myself to sweep and mop while the kids were next door with grandma. The rest of the place is still a mess.

I didn't make any dinner plans cuz I just didn't feel like cooking and I have an Applebees gift card that I got from my Secret Sister at church for my b-day that I was really wanting to use tonight but, of course, Brad's still working. So the kids and I went to Wendy's.

They have been extra grouchy tonight. I know it's because they got in bed much later last night with church. So they were in bed a few minutes before 7 tonight. Hannah was complaining about her neck hurting so she didn't even get back out of bed after I read the story, which ending about a quarter till 7.

Now I'm debating on doing a few more things around here or just relaxing tonight. I have a feeling that relaxing will win.


  1. As a kid who rode the bus most of my school life, it's funny to me to hear her excited about it. My mom always worked, so I would have LOVED her to drive me instead. :-)
    I'm sorry for the yucky weather, but happy the rain will be watering the grass, trees, and flowers.

  2. We sure could use the rain! The grass is dry, brown and crunchy! It was hot again today, but fortunately the humidity is next to nothing and there was a breeze, so it was only bad in the car for a few minutes after sitting in the sun.

    I never really minded riding the bus. That is where your dad and I first sat together.....even though it was NOT by my choice. I believe my exact words when the bus driver made a comment about him being a boyfriend was, "NO WAY! He stinks!" Not of body odor, just meaning he was not for me! LOLOLOL! I had my eyes on someone else at the time and wanted to make sure he heard me since he was still on the bus! Tim had gotten off the stop before me as he lived right down the street. I'm realizing I should have made my own blog post about this now! :)
