Monday, October 25, 2010


This is my day:

  • Ryan had a low grade fever and was feeling puny, complaining of a headache again. He sounded stuffed up to me so I'm thinking he might be getting a sinus infection or something. I hope not but I wouldn't be surprised. Motrin has proven to solve the problem quite nicely.
  • I wanted to give the dogs a bath before I took a bath because, well, it only makes sense! So I cleaned the laundry room, where they sleep. There's no point in cleaning them if I don't clean where they sleep and what they sleep on. That involves hands and knees on the floor with a washrag and bowl of hot, soapy water and a load of laundry. After bathing the dogs in the tub, I had to clean the tub.

On a side note, have you ever read the books If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, If you Give a Moose a Muffin and If You Give a Pig a Pancake? There are others in the series that we have but I can't think of them right now. I think my dog bathing sounds a bit like those stories. It's a never ending cycle!

  • After my own bath, Ryan and I cleaned his room and swept it. He tried to get out of it at first by saying he didn't feel good and needed to rest so I gave him the option of taking a nap or helping me and, of course, he didn't want to take a nap so he helped me. =)
  • I forget what exactly I did next but I know I loaded the dishwasher, did a couple loads of laundry, ate lunch and filed some bills.
  • Oh yeah, I also received a package in the mail from my dear s.i.l which contained some things for Hannah and Ryan from Kara and some goodies for me! Thanks again Jess!
  • After I got Hannah from school we worked on her spelling words for the week. She brought home a bunch of work from last week, including her spelling test from last week. She got a 67 on it!! We practiced those words every single night but I knew she wasn't going to do well. She couldn't get several of them right. Who gives a first grades the words "them" "then" and "thin" on the same test?! Well, Hannah couldn't keep them straight. Anyway, I clearly expressed that I was not happy with that grade and that we would have to work harder this week if I saw she was having just as much trouble as she did last week. When we started working on this weeks words, she had a meltdown. First of all she thought I was mad at her because of the grade, which I never said, and I made sure she knew after that that I wasn't mad at her. She was crying that she is not a good speller and can't do it and so on. Finally we got thru the words. Shew!
  • Then I had to make her mad again when I reminded her that daddy said she had to clean her room this evening. That caused another meltdown and lots more crying.
  • By suppertime I had a headache and had to send the kids outside to play so they'd quit bickering. It rained a lot this morning but the sun did eventually make an appearance and it was about 70 degrees. They ended up next door at grandma's but I just didn't care.
  • I let them play in the bathtub for a change, since I just cleaned it! Then we read a few books and it was bedtime at 7 on the dot.
  • I have a feeling I won't be far behind.
  • Brad is on his way home, finally.


  1. Kayla and I used to argue about spelling words too!!! She'll get it eventually. One thing that always irritated me...which Hannah could still be too young for...I have said this SOOO much in the last seven years, "SOUND IT OUT!" That child has never sounded out a word in her life!!! She would just guess. Drove me NUTS!! When she was in, I don't know, third grade or so, she would spell something and I would be like, "now listen to what you just spelled. Is that what it sounds like? Sound it out!!!" GRrr.... It still makes me mad just typing this! LOL

  2. OOOOO! That was definitely a MONDAY! I laughed at Ryan trying to get out of work!
