Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm so ready for this day to be done!!

It has been raining non stop all. day. long. Like any other rainy day, it was perfect for curling up on the couch and watching tv all day and reading to my boy. That isn't what happened in this house!! I did read several books to him but not because I had nothing else to do!

I decided yesterday that I wasn't leaving the house today, except to take Hannah to school and pick her up. I picked the perfect day. But the rain didn't motivate me to get much of my work done. I started with transfering our books from our old bookshelf to a new one I brought home from my sister's house last weekend when we helped her move. I just knew this bookshelf would be big enough to get all our books on. Wrong! It's a good thing I brought home two bookshelves from her house. =) I have one filled up and the other about half full. I don't know how much room I saved by eliminating one short, long shelf and two small ones on either side of it and replacing it with two tall, skinny shelves but it'll work. I have a weakness for children's books. I have been resisting the urge to buy more everytime I'm at a thrift store because I just can't keep bringing home more books! I'm also trying to get into the habit of taking Ryan to the library but if you have seen our library, you'd know why it's not that exciting. When we lived in Ohio, the librabries were huge. Our library now is a trailer about 400 sq ft, I'd guess. They are building a new one out back which might encourage us to go more. I stopped several times to read to Ryan or change the laundry.

In other news, we got our tree up over the weekend. The kids had more fun decorating this year than I can remember in years past.

We also bought a recliner so Brad would leave me alone on the couch. =) We had to change the whole livingroom around to get it to fit. That same night we picked up the mini crib that will be Abigail's. It fits perfectly in her "area." Things are coming together slowly!


  1. So, it is definitely gonna be Abigail! I LOVE it!

  2. Well, right now it is def Abigail. I don't think it will change but it still could. I've still got like 5 months to decide.
