Thursday, November 25, 2010

the news....

Most of you who read this already know the news I'm talking about. I know I was the one who was determined NOT to know the sex of this child o' mine but I just coulnd't help it!! I really just don't know what I was thinking. I know one thing, my brain is suffering lots during this pregnancy, so I'm blaming it all on that!! For those of you reading this who don't know, the Lord has chosen to bless us with another...........GIRL!!! Brad came to his first ever appt with me. I think seeing the ultrasound, hearing her heart beat and seeing her wiggle on the screen was really good for him. He's your typical manly man. He doesn't get excited or emotional about anything. But I know he thought that ultrasound was pretty amazing. How can you not?! So now the hard part, picking a name. At least we have it narrowed down to one sex! That takes away half the work. We called mom to tell the kids they were having a sister and Ryan's exact words were, "oh poohy." It was priceless, the way he said it. I just love that boy. Now he'll have two sisters to protect in school. I also told him he will have to teach her how to play hot wheels. I'm now sure how the age gap will affect things but I'm excited for the next chapter of our lives to start!!


  1. Congratulations! Girls are great. :)

  2. Oh- that's so exciting! Congrats

  3. YAY! The age difference won't matter that much. there is Alex has always played with Dylan and they're five and a half years apart.

  4. Yay! Three girls and three boys. Awesome!

  5. Congratulations! As detailed as ultrasounds have become in recent years, I really wondered if you'd be able to NOT know.

    And now that you've seen her I'm sure you just can't wait to get your hands on her!

    With our prayers,
