Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Just like mom used to make

Hannah didn't have school today so we were all looking forward to sleeping in alittle. We started out bedtime with Hannah and Ryan both in Hannah's bed (it's full size, thanks Jill and Adam). They had been begging to sleep together for quite sometime but it was always a school night or we all forgot or whatever. So I thought last night would be the perfect opportunity. They laughed and played for awhile and then things started to get quiet. I heard Ryan cough a few times. Then he yelled for me. When I went in, Hannah was asleep and he wanted in his own bed. Which was fine with me because I knew they'd be up early if they slept together! I was willing to suffer thru getting up early so the kids could have a sleep over. =) Oh the thingsus mothers do!
At 6:45 this morning, Hannah came and woke me up saying that the sheet was messed up on her bed and she couldn't fix it because we had pushed her bed up against the wall so Ryan wouldn't fall out last night. Sooooo I went and fixed it. I figured she would want to stay up but she didn't, as far as I know. Then at about 7:45 Ryan came and woke me up saying he had went potty. I said, "good, now go get back in bed." I knew that I was up for good that time. I heard him playing thru the monitor and then I heard Hannah join him and I dozed until about 8:30 when they came and wanted something to eat.
When Hannah doesn't have school I like to do special things together with them because we don't get tp spend the whole day together much anymore. I wanted to make some cinnamon rolls, from the can, for breakfast but didn't have any. I spotted a can of "garlic bread" biscuits I had bought awhile back. I had another can I had already used but i was very disappointed in them because the label was very misleading. I thought I was getting garlic bread but they were just plain biscuits only long and skinny, not round. So I decided homemade donuts just like mom used to make them would be perfect for us to do together. I let them form the dough into whatever shape they wanted and then I cooked them in the oil and then I let them shake them in the cinnamon/sugar mixture or the powdered sugar mixture. They loved it and were eating them as we went. They turned out really good.
If you look closely at Ryan's hair in the last picture, you can see that it looks longer right thru the middle than down the sides. It has been doing that ever since I gave him a mohawk last summer! Now that strip that I left stands straight up all the time! I don't know how to get it to lay flat anymore! It's so annoying to me. I stare at it all the time. I just wanted to point that out so you can all stare at it in every picture like I do! =)
Anyway, after a sugar-filled breakfast, late in the morning (Ryan and I are normally eating lunch at 11 because we eat breakfast so early in the morning), the kids played happily while I folded some laundry and loaded the dishwasher. I don't even know what all they were doing. I did open some playdoh containers for them and the crayon tub so I know of a few things. That's another thing I like about Hannah being home. Her and Ryan usually play well together so it's nice to have her around to entertain him for me. He has never been one to play well by himself. We talked to my mom on the phone for awhile and I think I might of read a few books.....pregnancy brain....I don't really remember. Around noon I sent them down to the mailbox and we all ended up next door at grandma's because they came back with her mail too.
After lunch they played outside for awhile while grandma was raking leaves and chopping them up with the lawn mower and I went and voted. While there a lady came in and somehow it came about that she is pregnant. Everyone was shocked because, altho her t-shirt was a little baggy, you could not tell she was pregnant! She said she is 19 wks. While she was talking to the ladies I was over behind a booth. I stepped out and, showing my belly, (not my naked belly) said that I am only 15 wks. They were all surprised how much bigger my "bump" is than hers!! I envy the girls who are half way there and don't look pregnant at all! I went home and hung out outside with the kids for awhile and then we went in because it was getting cold.
We went to McD's for supper and then by the time we got home it was bathtime, book time and bedtime!
Pretty awesome day.


  1. So glad you had a great day! Sounds like you didn't need to go to the bouncy place after all. And about the belly...was it that lady's first baby? It's your third, so that could be why hers was smaller. A friend of mine told me once that her husband asked her during her third pregnancy why she got a belly so fast and her response was..."a balloon blows up easier after it's blown up once or twice before!" LOL, but true!

  2. I don't know but when I told them it was my third, one lady said "she's all stretched out by now." I didn't get offended cuz it's so true! I said by the third time, there's no holding back! This other lady was TALL and skinny too. I like the balloon analogy!

  3. Kara was sitting next to me when I read this. She saw the pictures and said, "It's Ryan and Hannah. Hi Hannah!" :-)

  4. Sorry, Liz! Guess you got the "big" pregnancy belly from me! I was ALWAYS huge from the get-go! I LOVE the balloon analogy! Perfect example!

    I love seeing you making special memories with your kids doing some of the same things we did with you!
