Monday, December 6, 2010

baby dr appt

Meet Abigail. She finally showed us her profile at my dr appt this morning! I got out Hannah's US pictures and her profile looked exactly the same in utero. I couldn't find Ryan's to compare them. =( I'll have to dig deeper for them.....eventually.
I am continually amazed by the ultrasounds. I love being able to see her move and feel it in my stomach at the same time. It's such a wonderful thing. She was stretching out her neck (you can tell in the picture that she looks like she's looking up) and arching her back. Then she would turn her head to the side so all we could see what the back of her head. I also saw her open her mouth. I wish Brad had been able to come to this appt as well. Right now I can't imagine her any other way than this and I wish I could see her everyday! Soon (but not soon enough) I'll be holding her in my arms and won't be able to imagine her any other way. Then in a couple years, when she's toddling around the house, I won't be able to imagine her any other way. God is good!!!
In other news, I wrote last week about Ryan's coughing problems flaring up. I was concerned that the inhaler wasn't going to be enough this time around and that I was going to have to take him to the dr to get him on a steriod for wheezing. The Lord saw fit to answer prayers and he has actually been improving! His coughing is getting better just by doing the inhaler several times a day. And I'm actually only doing in when he wakes up and before he goes to bed. God is good!!


  1. Sweet,sweet Abigail.

  2. I absolutely love the name! I'm glad Ryan is better! Can't wait to see y'all this weekend!
