Sunday, December 5, 2010

Redneck Wedding

Eight years ago on a cold, snowy Thursday, Brad and I decided we were tired of waiting around to get married. No, I wasn't pregnant, no I didn't think I was pregnant. Aafter dating over 3 1/2 years we just didn't feel like planning the wedding anymore. Brad never wanted a big wedding where he had to stand in front of people. I always did but gave it up for him. =) So we met at K Mart after work and bought his $70 wedding band (neither one of us knows where it is now), then went to the court house and got our license and then went home to have dad marry us. Mom and dad knew what was going on because I had to call from the court house several times to find out where mom and dad were born and things like that. I know the ladies there thought we were crazy and expected us back within a few months wanting a divorce (is that even where you go when you want a divorce?). We were only 19, I would probably think the same thing. When we got back to my parents' house, I just wanted dad to sign the paper that said we were married but he insisted that we go over to the church and say our vows. I'll never forget that night. I decided I might as well put my wedding dress on, I had had it almost a year by then, and Brad borrowed a suit from my dad.

Eight years later I have never regretted marrying that man. I only regret doing it in December!! I love him more every day. I am fully convinced that it was God's Will for us to meet in WV and get married. If there is such a thing as a soul mate for every person, he's definently mine! I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. I'm looking forward to all the chapters that we have left in our book. I'm so excited to experience them with him!


  1. Great story - happy anniversary to you both!

  2. Such a neat story! I love it!

  3. I hate that I forgot to wish you a Happy Anniversary! Is a belated one accepted? :D Love you all!
