Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow Day!!

I think my truck looks pretty good with white trim!

Hannah pulling Ryan. Even tho we live in the mountains of WV, we don't have any around us so the kids have to do other things with the sled unless I feel like taking them down to the church for real sled riding.

Our back porch steps. I'd say we had 6 inches easily when I took this pic early in the day.

Brad's coveralls don't fit me this winter!!

I love how everything is blurry but Ryan. It makes him look like he's going super fast but the scooter doesn't really go that fast!! I'd say mamaw picked a good gift for his b-day!
So there ya have it. Hannah didn't have school today so we spent the day playing in the snow (I only lasted about half an hour), drinking hot chocolate, playing games and play doh, and just goofing off. I did manage to get a few loads of laundry washed. I won't see them again until bedtime when I have to clean the bed off so I can collapse on it!
I'm not a very fun snow player this winter. Abigail keeps me tired as it is, let alone trudging thru 6 inches of snow pulling both kids on a sled! I couldn't even pull thru for them and make a snowman! Oh well. That gives me a good excuse to stay indoors! If only daddy was home more...
We've had a good day but the kids are getting tired of each other's games of school, puppy and whatever else they do back there!! I'm ready to settle in for the night and read them some books and get them in the bath for bed!!


  1. My favorite was the coveralls. You look so cute!!!

  2. Me too! Love the fit of the coveralls!
