Thursday, June 16, 2011


I am one who loves a schedule. The same schedule. Every day. I like knowing what to expect so I can better plan my day. This is not be confused with organization or anything of the sort. If you know me or have come to my house, you know what I am talking about.

I have a certain child, a baby, not to mention any names, who does not know the meaning of a good schedule. THe only thing I know about her is that she will eat and poop. A lot. Some days she will sleep most of the day, only waking to eat and say hi to the world for a few minutes. Other days she only sleeps a couple hours the entire day. Some evenings she doesn't cry a lick and others she cries for hours.

I'm learning to deal with her antics. It's actually kind of nice to not have a pacifier to misuse. When she is crying or fussy I actually have to deal with the problem instead of "plug the hole." So far I don't have to wake up countless times during the night to find her paci. In fact, this week she has been sleeping from about 9:30pm to 6:30am. I love it!! My "milkers," they don't love it so much!! I'm hoping they will adjust and slow down production during the night. By the way, isn't it amazing how God made our bodies?!


  1. I love schedules too! From what I remember, babies don't have any schedule until they're like three months old - especially nursing babies. You're a great mom, you're doing a great job, and your baby-who-shall-remain-nameless is perfectly normal. :-) Three months old is right around the corner!! I love you!

  2. But she is sooooooooooo stinkin' would be hard to be mad at her for her antics! :D Of course, I can say that as I don't live with her! Love you! BTW, yes! God is AMAZING in all that He has done with these bodies!
