Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Conversations with God...from a 4 yr old

Ryan is our little prayer. Every time we eat he wants to be the one to pray. I actually have to tell him no sometimes! I heard a saying once: "What if you woke up with today only what you thanked God for yesterday?" Let me just tell you that Ryan would still have EVERYTHING including, but not limited to, his plate and the truck. During his rather lengthy list of thank you's last night he added "...and thank you for the roof so we don't get pooped on by birds and..." Just one more reason why I love that boy!! He always keeps me guessing!


  1. I love it! I wish I prayed as well as Ryan! :-D

  2. LOL! I love hearing him pray. I usually get tickled at his child-like faith! We could all learn something from him!
