Monday, August 22, 2011

schedule change

School is in full swing around here. With that comes a new schedule, homework, fall weather, and a quieter house! So far Hannah is loving her teacher, Mrs. Cobb, and 2nd grade in general. I am praying that it stays this way the whole year! Last year she didn't like school and had a hard time with just about every aspect of school, even tho she got good grades.
She is not in class with her best friend from last year, (the daughter of my best friend in high school!) or a lot of the other kids she went to 1st grade with. But she has already made a new best friend.
This school year is different for us in more than one way. I'm still trying to find a good schedule for us with a new baby in the house. Right now we are just doing what gets us by because after Labor Day Ryan will be going off to school and the schedule with change a little more. The main things will be the same but I won't be just rushing one pokey child around, it will be two!! I often wonder what I would be doing this year if God hadn't allowed me to have another baby. I think that is one thing that made me really want another baby to begin with. I felt like my job as a mom was ending with the year both kids went to school quickly approaching. I know that isn't true, but that's how I felt. I have always said I want to go back to work (I still really miss my job at the animal hosp) when everyone is in school but I would really like to wait until they are older and the chances of them needing me during the day aren't as high. Hannah was sick a lot her preschool year. I bet she had the stomach bug half a dozen times that year. So I had to go pick her up a lot. I'm praying Ryan doesn't have the same problem but I guess we'll see!
I'll let you know how it goes when Ryan goes off to school for the first time. At open house he refused to get down and look around the room or talk to his teachers. Since then, he has been excited to go pick up Hannah because we always see his teacher and he now says he's ready to go. I really hope so! I told him that if he isn't sad to go, I won't be sad that he is going! I will miss my little boy but I know he will have fun at school and he's ready.


  1. I'm glad Hannah is liking it! I'm sure Ryan will too. He's going to be the leader of the pack at school - he's so cool and fun.
    Kara doesn't start school until next week, but this week is all about the prep - school supplies, school physical, conference with the teacher, move sleep schedule back, etc. Hmmm, I didn't have a baby.....what am I gonna do with myself all day?

  2. This brot tears to my eyes. That's all I can say right now.
