Thursday, January 12, 2012

Change of plans

Do you ever have those days when you wake up with big plans for the day? You are feeling refreshed and extra energized and just want to get some things done? But then "life" happens....the baby won't nap, you suddenly remember you have to go out after something, there are no dog towels to use after you bathe the dogs, etc. I do! Today was one of those days for me. I realize that it isn't even lunchtime (for most) and I am saying that my day is done. For me, the best time to get things done is when the older kids are at school and the baby is playing happily in her playpin. Those occasions are rare, so I guess I don't ever get much done! That being said, since I get Ryan in an hour, my day is about done! Once he comes home all I get done is feeding him. That boy is a bottomless pit! Anyway, while I was sitting in the recliner reading books to grouchy baby who was refusing to sleep, I started thinking about our plans. My plans often are changed or interrupted by the children. And that is ok. That is part of staying home and raising them. SOmetimes you just have to do what they want you to do, or not do. =)

Isn't it the same way with God's plans? But are we always as willing to just change things and do it His way? I know I'm not. Sometimes we don't even recognize that he is putting a stop to our plans for his own glory. It is easy to get wrapped up in the fact that things aren't going the way we planned when they are going the way HE planned.

So one of my goals this year is to pay attention to God's plans and recognize the good that he wants for us even when things aren't going my way! We have big plans this year of selling our house and buying a house on property out in the country. All the while, staying close so we aren't changing school or church. High hopes or His plan for us? We will see!

And now the monster is awake so my plans are about to change, once again! The dogs' baths have been rescheduled for tomorrow! =)


  1. I do hate it when my plans get changed and I do NOT always think of it as God's will. I know it is, but you are right that we usually aren't thinking that way. Thanks for reminding me!
