Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Some things I loved about today:

The company of my semi-sick son, even tho he was up and rowdy as ever by noon.

His compliment, "You are good at soccer." Yes, we were playing in the house.

My sweet little Abigail who is too much like her brother. Once she was choking on a gum wrapper, once she was trying to eat...Ummm...everything.

After I hesitantly defaced Abigail's Scout that she received as a Christmas gift, I sent a picture to the company and they very graciously informed me that we will be getting a new one in the mail within a week. Hopefully this one won't be possessed!

I spent most of my free time organizing my clothes for the kids consignment sale that comes to our area twice a year. I have so much just looking at everything and putting them on hangers. How come regular laundry can't be that fun?!

Ryan got stung by a wasp on his way in for the evening. I guess that is the only bad thing about all the warm weather we have had.

Now the girls are playing happily in the tub while Ryan is deer hunting on daddy's phone. :)