Friday, January 27, 2012

defaced scout

In my last post I mentioned defacing Abigail's scout dog she got for Christmas. Here is the whole story, for those wondering.

Scout does all kinds of things like sing different songs with Abigail's name in them, play music for a certain amount of time before bed, play games and so on. It was one of Abigail's favorite christmas gifts. Within weeks, maybe a month, no matter what button we pushed on him, he would do this crazy half bark over and over again and we couldn't get it to stop without turning it off by the battery or banging on it. I was so upset bc it is not a cheap toy and she loved him! After a week or so I decided to email the company and complain, nicely, about my daughter's favorite toy. I might have made it sound alittle heartwrenching also.
The response I received from them was amazing. They said all I needed to do was "deface" him and write a code that they gave me across him in permanent marker, send them a picture and then they would get a replacement one in the mail to us. I couldn't bare to actually deface him, like rip his face open so I just wrote on him like they wanted and hoped they wouldn't request a picture with his face ripped off. And they didn't! The same day I sent the picture, I received an email saying a replacement was already in the mail! Now that's customer service!! And to think I almost didn't even bother mentioning it to them.


  1. Awesome!!!! Hope this one works out!

  2. I don't think I could do that either. I'm glad they're sending you a new one
