Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A day...

For months I have been meaning to keep a timeline of my day to post on here. I finally remembered to do it!

6:30am-The alarm, my husband, wakes me. I wake the kids, fix their breakfast with instructions that they better be done and brushing teeth when I get out of the shower. It worked.

7:12-Abigail wakes up while I am packing lunches. Hannah is able to go in and get her shoes and socks.

7:28-off to school

7:39-back home

8:15-breakfast has been consumed

8:30-Decide to deep clean Abigail's room (I'm determined to do one room a day).

8:35-Abigail wants to wear all the shoes I am attempting to away

8:41-Time for different shoes.

9:02-Abigail keeps pulling one of her two favorite blankets out of the hamper so I decide to start a load of laundry so she can't get it.

9:17-Back to cleaning Abigail's room but she is quiet somewhere. I find her in the laundry room (where the dogs sleep), clothes soaked and the water bowl emptied on the floor.

9:17.55-Run to grab a towel

9:19-Mess cleaned and Abby's clothes changed

9:22-Back to cleaning/organizing

9:25-Change dirty diaper

9:45-Done in Abigail's room. And it is perfect timing because she is whiny and ready for a nap.

9:55-Shhhh! Abby is in bed.

10:10-Still sitting in recliner deciding what to do next. I haven't even put in my contacts today (I'm wearing my glasses).

10:12-Hubby calls to say gas comp should be here within 2 minutes to check our yard for gas lines so hubby knows whether he can dig up a couple tree stumps this weekend.

10:14_They are here.

10:18-We are clear to dig.

10:24-Switch laundry

11:24-Take a break from cleaning the kitchen and making a cute file thing out of cereal boxes to drink my weight loss shake. (I would show you the picture but the memeory card in my camera is messed up)

11:30-Start reading over my Bible CLub lesson one last time before tonight.

noon-Abby is still sleeping...more tidying.

13:37-Sit down at computer to start this blog post.

12:40-Anothe phone call from hubby! He never calls me during the day unless he needs something and I rather like getting his calls. It was short and sweet.

12:41-Back to the blog

12:46-I hear Abby but I'm not going in until she makes a fuss.

12:55-Time to get the monster.

12:57-make her lunch

1:18-vacuum Abby's room while she's confined to the high chair.

1:23-Another utility company is here to mark lines for digging

1:27-Since we were outside, decided to go next door and visit grandma.

2:00-Come home to get ready for going to get Hannah and Ryan from school

2:35-Come home, get snacks, look thru book bags and put everything away

2:50-practice letters with Ryan and his "popcorn" words (which he knows already!) Hannah kidnaps Abigail to play.

3:09-Ryan volunteers to vacuum the livingroom rug for me.

3:14-sit down to update this blog post.

3:18-Ryan brings me 4 small containers of food coloring and wants to know what they are. Experiment time!

The rest of the afternoon is a blur. I know it consisted of practicing Hannah's 3 spelling words, showers for the 3 kids, supper (Brad brought home Wendy's) and off to church.

8:44-Here I am now, the kids are all in bed (but not sleeping yet so tomorrow they will be tired at school tomorrow) and we are eating a slice of 5 minute pie before hitting the hay for the night.


  1. I'm exhausted just reading it. Sounds like Iliana and Abigail are really two of a kind. It takes all of us to keep tabs on Iliana. ;)

  2. I love, love, love this. I always wonder what other mommies are doing during their days.

  3. Don't miss (too much) those days! :D
