Thursday, September 6, 2012

A job well done

I have gotten into consigning the kids' clothes in the past couple of years. I think last fall was the first year I participated in our local traveling kids' sale. There really is a lot of work involved. I used to give the kids' clothes away as soon as they grew out of them. I had a family who really needed and appreciated recieving Hannah and Ryan's old clothes and I was more than happy to pass them on. Then I had Abigail....and no one to give her clothes to. So I looked into consigning. I also take things to a local consignment shop but she only takes the best brands, and lets be honest, I don't have much of that! So what she won't take, I save for the traveling sale or give away. So here is a look at what I've been doing this week in preperation for the traveling sale:

Here is some of the other stuff I am selling. That pampers box is full of shoes. And most of Abigail's baby toys that she never really played with much. I have to put everything in baggies and seal them shut with tape or tie each pair of shoes together.

Here is all the clothes I am selling. I have to enter ever item into their copmuter system, giving a size, description and price.

Then pin a tag on everything or tape it to the bagged item.

I was moving everything from the closet to the bed and back every day so finally I decided to hang everything in bathroom.

I had mentioned to Brad that I would love to have another shelf in the laundry room that would be very helpful while I am working on my consigning stuff so he finally got it finished this evening and here it is! Thanks, hon!

So that is what I've been doing this week. After dark I loaded everything into the van and in the morning I have to take everything over to the sale location, check in and have my items inspected and then shop the presale since I am selling things and watch my stuff disappear from the computer! At the end of the week I pick up whatever doesn't sell along with my check! Then I can start filling my tubs with summer clothes that will be sold in the spring.

This is kinda like a part time job and I enjoy doing it! Obviously, I don't make a lot of money but I have made over $300 so far this year and when you don't get paid for your work (except in hugs and kisses), that is enough money for me! =)


  1. I hope you do well at your sale!

  2. That's a cool idea! I wish there had been something like that when I was inundated with children's clothes. As you said, the consignment shops only want THE BEST and by the time my kids got finished with them (3 girls close in age then a boy that wore the knees and elbows out of everything) there wasn't much that made it through the preliminaries.

    Best wishes on your sale! $300 so far this year sounds great!

  3. Whew, that is a lot of work! $300 isn't too shabby - nice job. :-)
