Friday, September 28, 2012


I was asked to explain how I made this:

This shelf won't be its permanent spot. I wasn't thinking when I bought a letter without a hook so it can hang on the wall!

I don't have any before pictures because I didn't plan on explaining or showing them. Sorry!

First of all, I'm not usually crafty. I don't even try. Then I saw this cute idea on Pinterest (imagine that!) and immediately thought I wanted to make one for a friend's wedding gift. I decided to make one for myself first because I've never done it and I don't want to mess up on hers!

wooden letter
black paint
white paint
mod podge (I new best friend!)
paint brush
computer paper

First I put two coats of black paint on my letter. Then I copy and pasted the photos I wanted to use into a Word document so I could make them smaller. I printed them out on regular computer paper in black and white. THen I cut them out and arranged them on the letter and made the necessary cuts and adjumstments to make them fit nicely. I used my mod podge like glue and paint in one, painting the letter little by little and sticking the pictures in place and smoothing them out. After that dried for about an hour, I applied another coat of mod podge, covering the entire letter and the pictures I put on it earlier.

Ta Da!

Easy as that! I think I am ready to tackle one as a gift.


  1. I love it! Great job! You can buy sawtooth hooks in the framing section of most craft stores and hammer it into the back of your letter so you can hang it up

  2. Warning about the saw tooth and your odd shaped letter. Your center of gravity is NOT going to be the center at the top. You will have to figure that one out.

    Great job on the project, too! I know you paid an arm and a leg for the mod podge. For future reference make your own using 1/2 elmer's glue and 1/2 water.
