Friday, September 28, 2012

Over already?

This has been a week that I am happy to put behind me. Nothing bad happened, just busy, busy, busy! Brad has had an extremely busy work week, which doesn't make my job any easier but I'm so thankful that he has a job and I am getting to stay home with the kids.

I don't even remember what I did on Monday. I do remember that the school secretary called saying Hannah was compaining of her teeth hurting and wanted me to bring her some medicine. Fine by me. The spacers she had did their job and some pain was expected. I told her I wanted to run down to the store and buy something stronger than tylenol and then I'd be right down. Hannah brought home straight A's on her midterm. I'm so proud of the change she has made this year! Also, Brad's gma next door went into the hospital to have her knee replaced so I was responsible for her dog all week.

Tuesday Abigail and I went grocery shopping in the morning. It was rainy and gross all day so we decided to make snack bracelets and watch a movie when the kids got home from school. They loved making the snack but finished them before I got the moving going!

Wednesday the school secretary called and said Hannah forgot her glasses. SO I had to run them down to her. Good thing we live close! I bet I am on speed dial at the school! When I got back home I saw her planner laying on the table but I didn't take it back to her. She ended up having to go to work hall instead of recess to write her spelling words 10 times each for forgetting the planner. Do I think that punishment is alittle steep? Yes, but maybe she will learn to make sure she has everything now! Every morning I ask, "Do you have all your stuff?" I always get a "yes." Abigail and I went to the mall after that to pick up a few items I needed to finish my "P" thing (not sure what it's called). Hannah had an orthodontist appt at 4:20 (remind me not to do that on a Wed again!!). A friend picked up Abigail and Ryan from the orthodontist so I could go it alone with Hannah. Our last appt didn't go so well with Abigail. I had a 30 min video to watch about all the rules they have for braces and the nurses were walking her around the office bc she was having none of that! It was nice to have an uninterupted visit this time and I made sure my friend knew just how much I appreciated it! Hannah got on A on her brushing (they grade how well the kids are brushing around all their "gear." If they get an A, their name is put in a drawing but I forget what you get if your name is pulled out. If you get a bad grade, they consider removing your gear until the child is ready to do better at taking care of their teeth. Brad was working out of town that night so he wasn't coming home. Hannah and I rushed back, picked up the kids and they showered and got ready for church in half an hour! A mysterious rash showed up on Abigail that afternoon also.

Thursday....I don't think I went anywhere during the day. And I think hannah remembered to take everything to school! Abigail's rash was spreading but causing her no pain. The weather was wonderful so we went to the park after supper. Brad met us there right before we left. He is one tired dad this week!

Friday (today), it is 9pm and Brad is still working. Soccer was canceled bc of rain, which he was thankful for. He is trying to finish up this job so he doesn't have to go to work after soccer tomorrow. Anyway, today I decided to take Abigail to the dr for her rash. It still is no bother to her but it is still spreading. Now it is moving down her extremities and it is going up her neck. They didn't have anything available until the afternoon. It has been another rainy day so I had trouble doing anything around the house. We had to leave directly after school to go to the dr. I packed everything up for soccer bc I knew we wouldn't be back in time to change and it hadn't been canceled yet. As soon as I sat down in the car I got the text that soccer was cancelled! It was a blessing in disguise for Brad and I! He could work and I could go to the dr not worrying about whether we would get out in time for practice (we made it out with 15 min to spare, had it mattered) turns out the rash is a virus and should go away on it's own. We ran to walmart to get a few things and went home. And we've just been hanging out until now. I posted a video of me wearing a halloween mask and scaring the kids so make sure you watch it! =) Brad's gma made it home late this afternoon from the hospital. So far she is doing well and she is happy to be home and with her little dog!

And tomorrow is soccer!

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing what you've been doing during the week!

    Snack bracelets are such a cute idea - especially having them make them - fun and they pick out all their favorite goodies.

    The pictures at the park are a-ma-zing. You have to photograph Kara for me.
