Saturday, September 22, 2012

yard saling

I really enjoy going to yard sales. I generally wait for the big community sales so I can get more bang for my buck (usually). That being said, if there is going to be a town wide yard sale anywhere near our house, I am going to be out of town or busy that day. Happens. Every. Time. Today was no exception. Town wide yard sale going on down the street and we have to be at the soccer field at 8 am and don't leave until 11:45. Most of the best stuff is gone by then! I decided to go anyway and managed to fine a few good deals!

Abigail is going to love having a stroller finally and I can never go wrong with another baby doll! The diaper bag and I am going to be giving to someone this evening. It is almost brand new and we all know diaper bags are not cheap!

Three new pairs of shoes for Abby and a pair for Hannah.

Two dresses, a jacket and long sleeve shirt for Abby.

All this I got for $4.50!! Now that's my kind of shopping!
The stroller was my most expensive buy, coming in at $1.


  1. I love going to yard sales too. Unfortunately we don't have very many around here. We do have a semi-annual yard sale, but I'm like you and always seem to miss it. I'm going to try to go this year and get some baby stuff. I'm glad you still found some good deals!

  2. WOW, Liz! You did great! Cute stuff, too!
