Thursday, September 20, 2012

We're on our way... braces!! Ackkk!

That should be all I need to say about the orthodontist appt but, as women, I know you need more details! I'll try not to be too detailed, tho, as I know I could get carried away with all the medical stuff.

So, where should I start? Let's just say that Hannah's lower teeth are in great shape. Her top teeth...that's on the opposite end of the spectrum. Her top "circle of teeth" is very crowded. So much so that her adult teeth that haven't dropped down, can't because some of them are over adult teeth that have dropped down, or erupted, or come in (however you want to say it). My hope of being able to put the incisors (sp?) that grind together would just make matters worse by allowing her front teeth to spread out and leave even less room for the teeth beside them to come in right. Also, her top jaw is more narrow than her lower jaw so she has a weird bite.

I hope you can understand from that that braces are not about having perfectly straight teeth for us. Hannah's mouth needs work in order to do anything! I wouldn't be doing any of this if her only issue was straight teeth, which i don't even consider an issue.

The plan? Start with an expander. After she is fitted and gets it installed (I guess?) We will spend the next 12-14 months turning it every day to expand her jaw. I'm praying that will solve all her problems and nothing more will be needed.

I know money is a personal issue but I figured I would go thru the run down (I will be rounding the numbers bc I can't remember exact figures right now). This Phase 1 will cost a total of around $3200. Our insurance will pay $1000. Thank the Lord! Which leaves us with alittle more than $2000 to pay off in a year from start date. The example she gave us this evening was that if we pay $750 up front, that will leave us with $130 to pay monthly. I know where my consignment money will be going!! We haven't decided exactly what we are going to do but this phase is a must.


  1. Oh, poor Hannah. :-( Poor you! I had no idea her poor little mouth needed help. Were there any issues with her baby teeth? I never would have known - her smile is so pretty!

    Turning a key to expand her jaw sounds.....not fun. :-(

    I'm sorry to hear about the money too. Yikes. :-(

  2. Lisa had something similar when she was about Hannah's age. She had braces on the lower teeth but never had them on the top because the expander gave her the necessary space for them to drop down on their own. Her upper teeth are not totally straight, which is not something that I wished for any of my children either because I like the more "natural" look, but Lisa might have a different opinion. (I think her smile is radiantly beautiful as it is.)

    I'm sure she would be willing to talk to you about her own experience.

  3. P.S. The Princess and The Bear both had full braces but neither had the expander. Different issues, but also necessary for proper jaw alignment.

    P.P.S. My "word" to type for my above comment was "dynalisa." How appropriate is that!!!! Lol!

  4. I was just about to say I had the same thing done! :)

  5. Lisa, in every picture I see of you, the first thing I notice is your teeth. They are beautiful! I am Praying this expander does the trick for my Hannah!

  6. Thanks, Liz! I do have a couple crooked teeth on the top, but it doesn't bother me enough to go thru braces as an adult. My dentist always says my teeth are a little tight on the bottom, but the braces did the trick and made enough room- even if it's not as much room as he would like. ;) I hope everything works for Hannah!
