Monday, May 13, 2013


Well, It's Monday again....That means Brad won't be home until Thursday and it is Goodwill day. I got busy cleaning this morning so we skipped goodwill, that and they stopped doing their $1 deals so I'm boycotting for awhile.

We decided last minute to have our yard sale over the weekend. I had been organizing and preparing my stuff for awhile now but we never could get it worked out. Well, it finally happened and I'm proud to say I made $143!!

The first thing Brad noticed was how clean and empty our bedroom was when I loaded all the stuff in the van. And I was excited to fit all the remaining stuff in 2 totes to put out in the building until later.

I am continuing the slow process of cleaning our closets (where I store all the clothes I buy ahead of time for the next season-fall/winter-and store all the clothes I plan to sell that will not fit the kids in the next season).

We are well on our way to potty training Abigail. She only had one accident (not including number 2, which still happens in the diaper) in her diaper over the weekend and that was while she was in BRad's care. But today we are having a bit of a set back. I've already had to change her diaper twice! Not sure what happened but hopefully when she wakes up from her nap, we will get back on track.

I had a great mother's day. I miss being able to see my parents on holidays like that, tho. =( We are the family of practical gifts around here. I got a new fishing pole from Brad. The end glows in the dark so I can see when I'm getting a bite after dark. And he already made plans for me to be able to put it to use next weekend! The gift Hannah made for her mother at school she wants to give to Aunt Cheryl, who is expecting her first child. She won't let me see it. I'm ok with that. Ryan brought home a decorated frame that held a picture of himself and a poem with his hand print on it.

Hope everyone has a good week!

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