Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Is it over yet?

I haven't been on here in so long because I have been busy getting ready for VBS, which starts on Sunday. Yikes!! I am in charge of crafts. I'm counting on 30 kids. If we have more, I'm in trouble! I'm counting on the fact that the oldest kids get to play games outside and the fact that last year our highest number (including teachers and helpers) was 47. I really wanted to do crafts that aren't going to go home and go in the trash. It sounds like a good idea but has proven difficult to come up with 5 crafts that work with a wide variety of ages and won't go in the trash right away. Hopefully I'll have some pictures of the finished products after next week.

Besides that, we are still trying to get the process of Brad transferring to NC underway. The fact that his boss is out of Louisville is holding things up! Brad refuses to tell him over the phone. But he is in town tomorrow and Brad is planning on talking to him about it if he sees him. But he did tell me even if he didn't get to talk to him, he was calling the HR lady, who is also out of Louisville, to tell her he wants to transfer. So I have been painting up a storm! Whoever said that everything has to be sparkly white and clean when you sell your house should be punished!! 11 years, 3 kids and 2 dogs sure puts a beating on a house! Just when I think I'm about done, I find more doors that need painted (closets!).

Then there are bible club lessons and July is my children's church month...And the kids being home so we have had dentist appts, orthodontist appts and regular dr appts. Thank goodness soccer just ended.

If you can imagine, the housework is being put on the back burner. The house is a disaster area. It always is, but with spending so much time on other things, it really is now!


  1. So you're definitely moving? Cool! Where in NC? Will you be near your parents?

  2. The shop is in Charlotte but we want to live away from the city. We will be an hour or less away from mom. But it isn't final yet! I don't see how they can say he can't transfer if the boss in NC (brads former boss from here) says he has an opening but we will see! Then we would have to sell the house....

  3. Only an hour or less? That would be fantastic!
    Selling the house. You've never moved, huh. It's no fun - but the worst part is having to be out of the house, with all the kids and dogs, at a moment's notice so someone can come see the house, which you have to leave sparkling clean and smelling fresh. I pray the process doesn't take long! When we moved from the house in Manchester into this one, it took like 5 months, which was no fun with an infant and a dog, but the market was very different than it is now. Trust me, you'll get it down to a science and you'll be very good at it. AND you can just go next door, not have to drive around the neighborhood. Easy peasy. God is in control! The house will sell when God wants it to. :-) I'm excited for you. :-)

  4. The moving process is the thing I am least excited about and most nervous about! I can't keep the house clean any given day, let alone on a moments notice! But I am so thankful God already has it planned out for us! I just hope his plans have us on the smooth and painless path! Thx for the encouragement
    I really need it!
