Wednesday, July 31, 2013

what I have learned...

I am very busy these days trying to do my part to get our house up for sale. So I just want to share some things I have learned so far:

1. I hate it! I have no font to describe my utter hate for this part of the process.

2. Rooms need painted every couple of years, regardless. How can our walls be so gross after just a few years?!

3. When you think you are about done painting, another door will appear.

4. Our kids have too many toys.

5. We have too much stuff.

6. Our dogs shed at least a whole 'nuther dog every singe day.

7. Taking things to a storage unit to make your house more presentable is stress relieving for the adults but terrifying for kids who think they will never see their belongings again.

8. Brad is very allergic to the dust we are stirring up.

9. It costs a lot of money to sell a house.

10. Lastly, I am realizing how much God has graciously blessed us over the past 11 + years. Brad has had the same job, we have had the same house, the same everything just about for all this time. People all around us are suffering.

We are officially on the market now. We want to try to sell on our own for awhile before we turn over almost half our profit to a realtor. Pray for us! I know God has it all figured out but I would be lying if I said I wasn't really nervous.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just now catching up on some blog reading. It sounds like you've been very busy! :) I'm praying everything falls into place for you!
