Monday, October 21, 2013

Be who you are?

We have Netflix as our only source of tv besides the 5 main channels you can get for free. Recently they added the show "19 Kids and Counting," which follows the lives of a Christian couple who currently have 19 kids...and counting. I really admire a lot of things about the whole family. I don't think this mom, or dad for that matter, have ever raised their voices or spanked a child. I feel like I raise my voice and spank a child (not with a paddle or force every time) every 10 minutes! And I have 6 times less kids than they have! I look at them and think, how do they do that? The kids are always so helpful and encouraging to their siblings and I think how did they get them to do that? From watching the show, this is what I have gathered that helps them all do such things that seem so foreign to even myself:
Start the day and end the day in the Bible often (the whole family, not just parents)
Using the Bible as "back up" in every situation, good and bad
Frequent service projects that remind them to put others first
Very little tv, unless it is a Christian program
Lots of family time
More praise for good than shame for bad behavior

Now, I realize that even tho this is a reality show, not every minute of their lives is aired so the kids do fight, disobey and so on. They are humans and sinners.

Also, I think they have a lot of money. I could never fly to El Salvador with my oldest 10 kids to hand out tons of Christmas presents that I purchased. So I realize that their situation is different than mine, and yours, I'm sure.

I'm just saying I feel inspired by them to be better in every area of my life. We always do well with family devotions for awhile and then it fizzles out for awhile and then we start back up and fizzle out again. Life just takes over, which is no excuse.
There is just no reason their shouldn't be more families like theirs in the world, starting with mine.


  1. They are definitely a great example to pattern our parenting after.

  2. I am inspired by that show too! Good post. :-)
