Thursday, October 10, 2013

Simple pleasures

These days I spend a lot of time with the neighbor kids. They come to church with us and they are always at our house. It took me a long time to realize that instead of trying to keep them away, which is impossible, I needed to love them the way Christ does. Not only is that what we are supposed to do but it really saved me from a lot of anger and frustration that comes with having anywhere from 6 to 10 kids in your yard on any given day. Now I am seeing just how truly blessed my kids and I really are. Here are just a few of the things we enjoy that one or more of the kids around us have never experienced until doing it with us.

Roasting hot dogs over a fire
banana bread
Going to the mall

Those are the things I can think of off the top of my head. Can you imagine a life without roasting hot dogs over an open fire, eating smores and going to the mall?

I love knowing that my kids are blessed more then they realize and that we can bless those around us. But what I love most is presenting the gospel to them every single week at church. Most of them havent grown up going to church constantly so they are totally amazed about everything in the Bible. They don't have to go to church, they don't have anyone to make them, they come because they want to.

I guess even going to church and hearing this someone out there loves you no matter what it is the greatest simple pleasure!

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