Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday again....

I haven't wrote for a few days so I thought I would take a minute to write something while Ryan is watching a Bob the Builder movie (thanks Stephanie!!) I think the last time I wrote Ryan had the stomach virus pretty bad. He is better now but that made for a long weekend. I did enjoy him sleeping a lot but that is about it! We ended up getting a truck too. We finally found someone willing to work with us since we got ripped off when we bought the envoy. I was so nervous because I didn't want to end up in the same spot we were with the envoy.....owing A LOT more than anyone would give us for a trade. I never want to be there again. Don't get me wrong, we still had to carry over a lot more than we wanted to but the truck is worth it. We even talked about selling the camper because we couldn't get anyone to work with us to get a truck. I would have been alright with that. But now that we have this truck, this is the last vehicle we plan on buying for a long time! I was really nervous about driving it too because it is a lot bigger than the envoy. So far it hasn't been hard. Granted, I haven't had to go to walmart yet!! It is actually easier to back up because I don't have much stuff blocking my view like in the suv. The tires bark very easily when you take off because it is so light in the back so if you ever hear that when I am pulling out of the church parking lot, sorry in advance! Anyways, I don't think you guys care about the truck that much. Hannah fell and hit her head on the doorway yesterday and was complaining of a headache this morning. She has a knot there but I think she will be fine. I gave her some tylenol. It scares me when she falls or gets hurt because she doesn't do it often like Ryan and she usually screams her head off about it! Once she got her arm stuck in between the pieces of wood on the back of one of the dining room chairs. That was a nightmare! Brad freaks out too when things like that happen. Speaking of nightmares......I dreamed last night that there was a big storm and Brad, me and my sister when in our house and a piece of the roof was about to fall in (you could see outside) and Brad tried to push it back up and the whole ceiling started caving in on us. The house was the one my grandparents lived in when they were alive but it was mine and Brad's house. And that's about all my dream was, the roof falling in in different sections and us curling up and covering our heads. Weird. Ryan is already done with the movie! Lately he has been wanting to help with everything. He always says "help, help." No matter what I am doing, if it is just shutting the frig door, closing the washer lid, pushing the button on the dvd player, anything. He wants to help. It is fun. He helped me make the bed this morning. Speaking of beds.....the one thing I hate about Hannah's loft bed is that it is nearly impossible for me to change the sheets or make the bed. I have to stand on a stool to even kiss her at night. I can't get on the bed because it will break for sure! We rigged the bed up from cousin Michael's old bunk beds so it isn't really made for adults!! We all love the bed but if you have never tried changing sheets on a bed that is sitting 6 ft in the air, you aren't missing anything!! Well, I think I am going to get off here now. It will be time to go get Hannah soon. This morning has gone by fast.

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