Monday, February 2, 2009

Spongebob, a lifesaver!

The house is never more peaceful and quiet that it is while spongebob is on! That is, unless it is bed time! The tv in the kid's playroom basically never goes off as long as we are home. That could actually be part of our $400 electric bill problem that I am furious about....but they only watch it once in awhile when something good comes on. I don't understand why they like the show but it keeps them happy for a few minutes of the day and it doesn't say anything bad so I allow it. I'm not buying that tvo or dvr junk (no offense anyone who has it), seems I can always find a lot of things that are more important these days! I am very disappointed that there is a chance I might not make it to the ladies meeting with the other church ladies tonight. Seems Brad always works late on nights that I want to leave the house! You know, I was looking for a good CD for Hannah the other day and it seems that I could not find anything worth buying! Most of the CD's were kids singing songs of other artists. I didn't find any worth letting her listen to. She is so young and impressionable right now. But yet she is growing up so fast. She takes showers by herself now, she basically made her own PB&J sandwich the other day, she does a lot of things that I can't seem to thing about right now. Well, the kids are yelling at me to eat dinner so I better go now. DOn't ask me what the point of this blog was!

1 comment:

  1. What is the point of any blog? Just a log of daily, or not-so-daily activity! At least Armageddon didn't comment on yours like on Alisha's! I hate that I'm missing so much of the kids growing up, too! But, I'm thankful for the time the Lord did allow me with them!
