Thursday, March 26, 2009

can't wait for this weekend!

Today has been yet another great day. I think it has finally stopped raining for awile. I got a lot of work done while Hannah was at school. Ryan was content to follow me around and help whenever I would let him. If he wasn't at my side he was playing with playdoh, or watching tv. So that was helpful. He went down for a nap easily too. Hannah's room was a disaster area so we cleaned it up. I got out some of her summer clothes to try on and see what will fit her now. She picked one dress that she loves and wanted to keep it on to play "mom". Tomorrow we are going to Columbus. Brad is going on his annual fishing trip to the mountains with his friends so I called Jess to see what they would be up to. I've been trying to get the house straight so I don't have to do much tomorrow. Well, I hear Ryan sneezing so I better go get him up now. See ya in a few days!