Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Good bye 25, hello 26!!

Happy Birthday to me!!

I am officially closer to 30 than 20. I am not sure what I think about it yet. My life has been great thus far and I know God isn't done with his perfect will for my life yet. And I also realized that I have been in WV for half of my life now. It seems weird to think that I haven't always lived here. In the beginning, I could never understand why God sent us to WV and now I can't think of a reason to leave!! Well, my parents leaving is a good reason to me to leave but not really (if ya know what I mean)! I am just more and more amazed every day at how God works and how he had my life all figured out before I was even born!! A lot of times I just don't understand but then when I look back I say "He really knew what he was doing that whole time, didn't he?!" I can't wait to see what He has in store for the rest of my life. I know it is only good things.


  1. AWWW! This post brot tears to my eyes! You don't know how hard your dad and I worked to train you and raise you, all of you kids, so that one day we would "hear" you say what you have said tonight....that you realize God has a plan for you, for all of us, even if we don't always understand his leading and don't always understand the trip! I guess the Lord helped us to do something right after all, didn't He! :) (Just as a side are still welcome to "follow" us to NC any time!) :)

    And it is hard for me to think that you have lived in WV half of your life! But, you are soooo right, baby girl! God has only good things planned for you! Just keep Him in His rightful place in your life!


  2. I know what you mean. Now that I'm 29, I've realized my 20s were better than my teens and I know my 30s are going to be even better. I love getting older and seeing what awesome things God has in store for me!

    I hope you had a great birthday! I love you!
