Wednesday, September 2, 2009

what a day....

Today has been a long day! Ryan begged me all morning to go out and ride his bike. That is no different than any day. So finally I gave up and we went outside. We bought him a helmet/pads combo for when we go camping this weekend. We always take the kids' bikes and last time he wiped out majorly so we said no more crazy hills until we get a helmet!! So anyway, he was dying to wear his new helmet and pads! So I decided since he had on all his gear we would go on a walk instead of just letting him ride up and down our street/driveway. I hooked 2 dog leashes together and then hooked it to his bike so he would have no chance of taking off without me or getting too far away from me. You might be saying to yourself "Ryan, do something like that? No way, he's so sweet!" WRONG!!! He's got a bad side! It was fun for a change, even though I ended up jogging most of the way.

He also has major snot drainage right now!! That is a chore in itself! I found out that a boy who goes to our church and is in the nursery with Ryan has the swine flu. I don't know much about it but I look for my kids to come down with it soon. If not from him, from someone at school or something. His name is Micah, say a prayer for him please, and for his mom!

It seems like every time I have left Ryan a lone today he has been caught getting into trouble! Once I found him in the pantry eating gum from a gumball machine of Hannah's. Once I found him eating Certs out of the junk drawer. I can't even remember what else he has gotten into today but I know there is more! If we aren't outside and I am not entertaining him, he is getting into trouble. But I have to do some work sometimes!

Then when Hannah got home from school the first thing she was instructed to do was clean her room! I've already mentioned before that it takes her FOREVER to clean her room! So I had to stay on her about that and I finally set a timer for 15 min and told her if it wasn't done by then she wouldn't be going outside to play tonight. Well, she didn't get it done so......we were stuck inside all evening. She is usually pretty whiny and grouchy after being at school all day. It really wears her out. So I had to listen to her and Ryan fight while I, once again, tried to get some work done!

They were in bed around 7:35 or so and now here I am! Getting ready for bed myself! I'm glad the day is over and I'll be ready to start fresh tomorrow! Hopefully I won't forget to send Hannah's folder to school tomorrow!

BTW, I'm not loving the whole kindergarten thing. I feel sooooo out of the loop this year. Last year I talked to the teacher every single day, she was very personable, she answered questions, I knew their schedule, I stayed in the room sometimes, I knew all the other kids, I just knew what was going on. This year I don't even see the teacher. When I drop her off in the morning she isn't allowed in the room. All the kids sit in the hall until it is time for school. After school we aren't allowed in the building. The kids come out to us. We communicate via folder!! All I know is what Hannah tells me or what is inside that folder. It's just annoying. I have heard the same sort of things from other parents too. Well, I am done for now.

1 comment:

  1. That is so not right about you not being able to go into the class room! Maybe it is just for a short transition period while the kids get used to being away from home all day. I hope so!

    Can I give some motherly advise about the punishment of not letting Hannah go out to play if she isn't done when the timer is set? You should not have let her punishment keep you and Ryan in the house. That means her punishment was your punishment, especially Ryan. Now, I don't mean that you go on a walk or anything and leave her at the house by herself. I know you wouldn't do that. But, still, you and Ryan should still have gone outside and jumped on the trampoline, let him ride his bike, etc. If she cried, she cried. That would teach her that the punishment was real. She just learned that, oh well, if I can't go outside it doesn't matter cuz I won't miss anything cuz Ryan and mommy won't be able to go out without me! Oh yeah! Not so, sista!

    What do you think? Sound like a plan? You can even run in ever so often (to get a drink) to check on her! :)
