Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Long day....

Today was a terribly long day! Hannah has been having a fever off and on since Monday. She has also been complaining of a headache a lot since then and yesterday she cried because her stomach was hurting so bad. So this morning when she woke up with a temp of 102.8, I called the dr. (I told her first thing that if she stayed home, there was going to be no playing or going outside because if you are too sick to be at school, you are too sick to play.) Of course they said to bring her in but I already knew what was going to happen. THey do it to me all the time. They told me she has a virus (duh!!) and that if she still is having a fever over the next couple of days, to bring her back in. We were in the dr office almost 2 hours just for them to say that. I had Ryan with us too and he was being a nightmare, like always. He kept trying to sit on the dr stool (circle seat with the wheels), open the cabinet doors, rip the white paper that lays over the exam table. So I made him sit in a chair next to me. He screamed the entire time "I want down", "I want to go home" and he kept getting down so I had to keep puting him back in the chair, which only made the screaming worse. And spankings didn't help. It is so hard to be consistent and not just give in when he is acting like that. But I didn't, and I never do. When is he going to learn that screaming and continually disobeying won't help?! It didn't take Hannah that long!! So that was a very long and hard visit. By the time we left there it was time to eat so we went thru the drive thru at McD's and taco Bell (for me of course) and went home to eat. Neither one of them ate very good. Hannah wanted to put her food in the frig and go to bed. That was fine with me. So I put Ryan down shortly after that. But he never went to sleep. I went in there multiple times and put him back in bed but after 2 hours I let him get up. I was ready to wake Hannah up so I knew he would not be able to stay in there any longer. He continued his mean-ness for the rest of the afternoon too. He kept hitting Hannah or taking her pillows (she had a bed made on the couch) or just doing things out of pure spite. So I eventually made him go to bed again. He did go to sleep after awhile that time. When I went in to wake him up before supper his pull up was on inside out! The goofy kid took it off for some reason and put it back on inside out! I just can't help but laugh! At least he put it back on, even if the wet side was out! So, I'll have to do another load of laundry in the morning!! After we ate we went outside so Ryan could burn off some of that bad energy! Daddy worked late, like every day this week. Then it was bath time and bed time!
On a good note, I discovered Hannah has two loose teeth!! The two middle incisors on the bottom. They are both very wiggly. I noticed while I was brushing her teeth this morning. At first I kinda freaked out. I asked her if she got hit in the head with something. She said "I don't think so". Then it hit me! This is all normal! She is constantly pressing her tongue against them. I pulled on them with a tissue once but they aren't quite ready! I have been debating on whether to mention the tooth fairy or not. I think I am going to because we don't do the easter bunny, Santa or any of the other things like that. I guess we can at least do the tooth fairy! I just can't believe it is time for her to loose baby teeth. That is just one more thing that makes me realize she isn't a baby anymore.....I am sad but I am proud of her! Well, I think that is all for now. I sure hope tomorrow goes better thant oday!


  1. Hey! When did you change your blog? I haven't been over here all week!
    Sorry to hear about Ryan acting up!
    Also hate to hear my Hannah Banana is sick again! I was afraid she would be sick alot now that she is in school! You need to teach her to wash her hands ALOT!!!
    Hope you have a better day tomorrow!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about the bad day. It seems like when it rains, it pours. On days like that, I just tell Michael I really earned my paycheck today. :)
    I hope tomorrow is better and we'll be praying for you guys!

  3. The pull up story cracks me up! Hope today was better.
