Sunday, December 13, 2009

winter blues

I'm beginning to think Ryan is going to be sick all winter. He can not get over this nasty cough. He was on steriods for 5 days, 10 days of antibiotics and the nebulizer for I don't even know how long. I have lost track at this point. I think it has been 2 weeks now. It seemed like he was doing better for a day or 2 but now he is worse again. Hopefully I'll get him back in to the dr tomorrow. He had a fever a couple times this weekend and a snotty nose started a day after finishing the abx. How is that even possible?! He hasn't been eating hardly anything, which is very different. So just continue to pray for him.

I also am feeling very nervous about my dog, Patches. I hope it's just me being me but I have a weird feeling that something just isn't right with her. She was acting strange last night and she just doesn't seem the same to me. If you ask Brad, nothing is different but I know my pets! If you remember, I predicted my rabbit's death earlier this fall and a long time ago I predicted my hampster's death. I hope I am wrong. What do you guys think about God taking care of pets? I know the Bible says that he takes care of the sparrows and things like that but does he have a plan for Patches? Would praying change anything? I don't want to necessarily keep her around forever but I would prefer for her to die in her sleep like Taffy so I don't have to make any treatments decisions or euthanasia decisions. Anyway, I just want to put that out there. You all know how I am about my pets. These dogs where my first kids. And even tho they are annoying sometimes, they are still special to me. Ok, I'm done for now. I guess you can pray for Patch if you want! =) I might just be going crazy, I don't know. Gotta do Ryan's breathing treatment so he can go to bed.


  1. AWW! Poor Patch! I hope it isn't anything serious! I believe the Lord cares about our animals because WE care about our animals! And He does take care of the sparrows! I say PRAY for PATCH!!

    I cannot believe that Ryan is still sick! Gonna pray even harder about that!

    Love you!

  2. I'm praying for Patches too!!!! I love my pets too! I'll be a mess whenever something happens to my furry babies.

  3. We are certainly praying for your sweet Patches. I also believe God watches out for animals. Michael could cry every time I mention Lancer's name, so the love of animals must be in the blood somewhere. :-)
    Let us know how she is doing....
