Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Fun day!

Brad was home today so I was hoping to get out of the house, but of course, he has been gone all week and doesn't really want to leave the house! On top of that, since he eats out 3 meals a day while he's working out of town, he wants to come home and eat some good cooking. By the weekend I am ready for a cooking break and want to eat out, plus I'm no cook to begin with! So around 4:30 he comes and asks me what is for supper. I told him that I laid out some hamburger to thaw. He asked me again, sarcastically, what was for supper (I guess the fact that I laid out hamburger didn't tell him anything=) ). I said whatever you want that has hamburger in it! =) He wanted tacos but I didn't because then I'd have to find something different for the kids to eat so we settled for spaghetti.

Also, tonight was Kid's Night Out at school. Once a month they show several different movies and the kids can come, pay $2 and eat popcorn and have a drink and watch one of the moves they are showing. Tonight was Hannah's first one. If you read my post from yesterday, you'll remember that I am trying to back up and give the girl some space and let her be a little more independent. She was so excited when I said I wasn't staying with her. After changing her mind several times, she chose Scooby Do because there were more kids in that room. =) That's my girl! She had a great time so I think she will be attending them all now! Ryan started crying when we said he couldn't go to the movie too. But him and daddy watched a movie of their own and ate popcorn so he was ok!

Tomorrow I think we are going to go to the Hunting and Fishing Show just for something different to do. The kids are free. We've never been but I think it is just a bunch of different vendors selling things of the sort and displays. Also I have a baby shower to go to. I am missing (or I should say the kids) a birthday party because of it but it would just be nearly impossible to make it to both.

That's all Folks!!


  1. Wow! I can't wait for Kara to be more independent!!!!!! I'm proud of Hannah (and proud she cleaned her room). :-)

  2. oh yeah, I left that part out! I couldn't believe it when she said she didn't want to go to the movie night b/c she didn't want to clean her room! But I knew she'd change her mind! She was gonna have to clean her room tomorrow no matter what.

  3. Too funny! She does love the social life, doesn't she?! Growing up WAAAAY too fast! :(
    Love y'all!
