Thursday, January 28, 2010

my once weekly update....

Now that I only have the laptop over the weekend, you won't be seeing me on here much! I'll try to talk about the highlights of my week.....

Monday was a great day. Ryan was exceptionally good, probably because I spent more time playing with him than I normally do. We rollerbladed (yes, I had mine on too) around the house for awhile, played kick ball up and down the hallway, played cars and dinosaurs. I fondly remember throwing balls in the hallway at grandma and grandpa's house when we were young. It seemed so long until we were older and everything there seemed so small! And looking at all the pictures that covered the walls of the hallway. I always have wanted my hallway covered in pictures just like grandma had hers. It's amazing how important the small things are in life.

Tuesday.....I think Ryan and I went to walmart while Hannah was at school. So nothing too exciting about that! Tuesday night was a bad night. We keep a heater in Ryan's room because it gets a lot colder that the rest of the house when we shut the door. You can either just turn it on and it will run constantly or you can set the thermostat on it (which I normally set to 67). Well, Ryan woke up at 2:30 so I went in there and when I opened his door it was like an oven!! The heater said it was 82 degrees!! I felt so bad! Apparently I didn't set it like normally so it ran constantly. I'm surprised he made it till 2:30 before he woke up! He was all sweaty. I had to wash all his bed stuff the next day. Poor guy. He had a hard time going back to sleep after that. And then Hannah woke up around 3:30 crying b/c she didn't feel good. She's had a cold and cough for several days. So it took her forever to go back to sleep too. After having to go in both there rooms several times, I think it was 5 something when I laid down for the last time.

Wednesday I was planning on going to the mall but with the night we all had I knew Ryan would be in no mood to walk around the mall with me all morning so I spared us both the pain by staying home, taking it easy and getting good naps!!

Thurday (today) we went to the mall. I have been buying stuff for next winter and I think I might have done something wrong with Hannah's clothes. I realized today that on most size 6 clothes the size is XL but on regular size 6 the letter is L.....I think all the 6XL things I have been buying her might be too big next winter. Guess we'll find out this fall! I have been dying to get out the summer clothes I bot last year. Every once in awhile I'll go in there and just look thru everything. I love having everything already! =)

Tomorrow I am reading to Hannah's class in the afternoon. I may go get my hair trimmed up before that since Brad isn't on call and can keep Ryan. Maybe I'll convince him to take me out to supper or something. =) Who knows what we'll get into Sat.


  1. Well hopefully you're coming to Jill's shower on Saturday!

  2. Are you supposed to get snow? We are! Up to 6" possible! YIKES! Sounds like you had a good week all in all! I'm glad you have great memories of spending time at grandma and grandpa Brandenburg's house! That is what I want for my grandkids, to remember the fun times spent at grandma and grandpa Day's house! :) Love you all!
