Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Today was the opposite of yesterday! I haven't gotten anything done! When I went to bed around 11:30 last night, which is way later than I used to go to bed, I was worried that I wouldn't sleep well because Brad isn't home this week. I am always worried that I won't hear the alarm going off in the morning or I'll turn if off unconsciously and not get up. I do that a lot. So usually I find myslef waking up every hour or so looking at the clock. Well, when my phone rang at 5:30 this morning (I had it with me because Brad isn't home and because I was expecting a delay), it scared me and I jumped up! I hadn't woke up once during the night. So, Hannah had a 2 hr delay, which was nice. I got to sleep alittle later. It's crazy how half an hour can feel like so much more when you are sleeping. I had to go to walmart to get groceries and by the time I got back it was 12:30 so I fed Ryan and put him down for a nap. He was falling asleep in the truck on the way home so I knew I wasn't letting him skip his nap today! He is a bear when I do that and I didn't want to deal with it today. I had to wake him up to go get Hannah from school. I was so tired when we got home that I ended up taking a short cat nap on the couch while they were watching a movie. We ate supper, tossed the football some, Hannah did my hair and now they are in the bathtub. I don't usually let them play in the bathtub because they fight and get water everywhere but they were getting kinda bored so I thot that would be a good way to burn some time. Next I'll do Ryan's breathing treatment, read some books (thanks again Steph, I've been cleaning them up every day!) and watch biggest loser! Speaking or Ryan's breathing treatment.....I am supposed to be doing one every day but I have not been very faithful with it! I keep forgetting or just don't want to mess with it. But only another week or so and I can take that machine back! I am dreading to get that bill.....our insurance doesn't pay for it. Boo!!


  1. A good way to have fun in the bathtub and take up some time is to make them bath paint. I would get the little dixie cups and put some liquid soap in each one, then mix in a little food coloring, making several different colors. They can paint on themselves, eachother, the tub, the tub wall. And it all washes right off! My kids thought it was so cool! The age yours are right now, they'd think you were magic!

  2. They have had those bath crayons before. They did like them, I might have to try that!

  3. I didn't realize (or had forgotten) that Ryan was still doing breathing treatments! Too bad your insurance doesn't pay for that. Seems like they should!
