Monday, January 11, 2010

productive day

I have struggled with getting the house in order ever since Hannah started Christmas break, 3 weeks ago! This past weekend I was getting so frustrated with the constant mess that I decided that when the week started I was going to get this place back in order. I did pretty well today. Before I could do anything, Sammy ran off when I let her out to potty. I usually dont just let her out becuase that is exactly what she does! But since it has been super cold, I decided to push my luck and just open the door and let her out because I didn't want to go out in the cold. It was real nice the times it worked! But I wasn't about to go after her. I yelled a couple of times and then just checked out the windows every once in awhile. About half an hour later I heard barking outside and there she was! Patches never runs off unless she sees something. Anyway, Ryan was content with watching cartoons or playing in the water. That's his new favorite thing to do and I don't mind as long as he keeps the water in the sink! So I was able to get the kitchen cleaned up and then went back to start cleaning my bathroon when I heard the dishwasher running. I had to ask myself more than once if I started it! I was sure that I didn't. So I asked Ryan if he turned it on. He said no and was so serious, for the first time I couldn't tell if he was lying or not! But then when I asked him if he put soap in before he turned it on, he said no! I knew it was him anyway, who else could it have been?! So then I finished cleaning the bathroon and started some laundry, cleaned up the livingroom and then went to start on Ryan's room.........dun, dun, dunnnnnn. I seriously could not walk thru it while I was putting his laundry away without tripping on or stepping on something! There wasn't a clear spot in there! I have been buying winter clothes for next year and just throwing it into his closet because it was such a disaster. I've been planning on cleaning his room up for a week (like everything else). So I finally got things organized in his closet and got things put away so I could sweep the floor. Then I worked in Hannah's room alittle. She always says it isn't fair that I clean Ryan's room but not hers so I did a few things in there and straightened her closet up. I am starting a new bag of clothes for my niece. But her room is still a mess. I'll make her clean it one day...I think I am done for the day now. I'm not feeling so good. My head and neck hurts and my stomach feels a little off. I think it is the cheeseball I made over the weekend.

Brad started another out of town job. He is in the same place as he was at the end of last year just another elevator! So 5 or 6 more weeks of him being out of town Mon-Thur and then I think he will be local again.


  1. Tax season started so Terry is working madatory Saturdays. Figures your hubby will be gone through the week and when I have an opportunity to come down he is home! :) Just kidding, I am glad he has long weekends since he is out of town. Wish I had some time and energy to clean a little. My place is not as spic and span as I would like! OK, Michael is ready to play again! I love you and miss you!

  2. Just wanted to add that the kids were in bed at 6:30 tonight! I didn't make Ryan take a nap so he was grouchy! Hannah was too. They began destroying my newly-cleaned house so I made them pick all their stuff up after we ate then I read 4 or 5 of the books Stephanie was nice enough to give us and then sent them to bed!

  3. Sounds like it was a really productive day. Good for you! :-) I didn't do much today - should have cleaned the bathrooms but I watched movies instead.

  4. Why clean the bathrooms, Jessica? They will just get dirty again!!! :) JK!
    Why clean the house, Liz? It will just get dirty again!!! :) JK!
    Enough silliness! I'm glad you got lots done today! I laughed out loud when you talked about Ryan and the dishwasher! I hate that Brad is out of town, but I'm thankful he has a good job so you can stay home!
