Friday, January 8, 2010

what we did today

Today's post is going to be mainly pictures. My goal was to focus on the kids because I knew that if I didn't, today was going to be a LONG day! So when 2 o'clock came around and I was thinking "it's 2 already?!" I was very happy!

First thing we did was take all our small, broken up pieces or crayons, tear the wrapper off them and bake them in muffin pans so they came out in colorful crayon circles!That only lasted about 20 minutes for the kids so I spent the last half hour peeling papers off myself while they laid next to me and drew pictures.Our finished products! We made 24 of them. Later Brad found several chewed up by the dogs so we don't have them all now! =)After we ate lunch we got bundled up and went outside to play in the snow. Before going down to the church to sled ride we got the mail and took grandma's to her. The kids had so much fun! After supper we played several games. This is Elmo Hot Tomato game. We actually got this game several years ago but never could get Elmo to work right. You are supposed to be able to push his nose and he starts gigling and vibrating and you start tossing him around and he goes off at random times. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. We had sooooo much fun playing it that I have already decided I am going to start looking for it in the stores so I can buy a working one!Candyland! This is the first time Ryan has played with us and he actually did very well! He was able to find his colors on the board with some help! About half way thru he got bored and just wanted his man to walk on the path, which was fine with us!

And I painted Hannah's toenails, 2 different shades of pink.

So I think we had a pretty good day!


  1. What a fun day for all! I recognize YOUR housecoat! Hannah is still wearing hers, so that is a good sign! Love the painted toes! Hope you took more snow pictures than you showed! Love you all, mom

  2. I didn't take many snow pics since I was with the kids by myself. I spent most of the time helping Ryan back up the hill!

  3. That sounds like a fabulous day!! I can't wait to do it again with little people. Michael and I play card games quite a bit but I doubt he will be too thrilled to play hot potatoe with his little brother! :)

  4. Looks like a lot of fun was had by everyone! Cute photos too

  5. You're such a great mom! This was definitely what you were made for!
