Thursday, January 14, 2010


Hannah was feeling some better mid-morning but she threw up a ton of gatorade around 1pm and started feeling puny again. She finally ate a few crackers and drank some ginger ale at Brad's g-ma's around dinner time and kept that down. Grandma sent a few pieces of corn bread home with us and she ate them later in the evening and has been asleep for a couple hours now. You might be wondering why she was at g-ma's.....I was so frustrated that it was sooooo nice here today and Ryan and I were stuck inside because of Hannah. It was almost 50 degrees!! So Hannah called her to see if she could go over there for awhile and I took Ryan outside. We both needed it. So the day ended pretty good. But no school for Hannah tomorrow.


  1. AW! Poor, sick baby! I sure hope things settle down while she sleeps! XOXO to my Hannah Banana!

  2. Poor thing. Germs, germs, germs - kids are germ factories!! We're hoping to get swine flu shots today. Yuck.

  3. Hopefully by now she is feeling better sis! Miss you!
